What Does It Mean to Be a Conscious Investor? Aligning with Purpose Through Impact Investing*
Financial Advisors Jina Penn-Tracy and Stuart Valentine discuss the meaning of Centered Wealth, what it means to be a conscious investor, and how we partner with clients to align investment portfolios with their life’s purpose. At Centered Wealth we see investment portfolios in service of our clients’ life purpose, not the other way around. SRI (Socially Responsible Investing), and ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) investing metrics can be utilized as tools to help inform Impact Investing while supporting clients’ goals. Centered Wealth offers comprehensive financial planning, helping investors connect their values to their investment portfolios through conscious and sustainable investing.
How We Work with Institutions, Foundations, and Trusts; Using Socially Responsible, ESG, and Impact Investments for Institutional Investors*
Financial Advisors Stuart Valentine and Jina Penn-Tracy discuss their approach to working with impact-oriented organizations such as institutions, foundations, and trusts. Centered Wealth offers comprehensive financial planning, centered on our clients’ core values. We help investors connect their values to their investment portfolios through conscious and sustainable investing.
Money & Life*
Re-envisioning our relationship to money for a regenerative economy. Can we see the economic crisis not as a disaster, but as a tremendous opportunity?
This cinematic odyssey connects the dots on our current economic pains and offers a new story of money based on an emerging paradigm of planetary well-being that understands all of life as profoundly interconnected.
How can we move beyond being merely consumers, debtors and creditors, and put money in service to what we really care about as citizens, as human beings? Can we design a monetary circulation system that fosters democratic equality? What responsibilities should a corporate charter convey? What does it really mean to make a living?
Money & Life empowers each of us to respond to the fundamental issues of our time and participate in the emerging new economy.
The Centered Wealth Approach to Impact Investing; Going Beyond SRI and ESG*
Financial Advisors Jina Penn-Tracy and Stuart Valentine discuss the meaning of Socially Responsible and ESG Investing, and the Centered Wealth approach to Impact Investing by designing impact portfolios in service of our clients’ life purpose. Centered Wealth offers comprehensive financial planning, centered on our clients’ core values. We help investors connect their values to their investment portfolios through conscious and sustainable investing.
Whole Portfolio Activation with Centered Wealth; Utilizing the Tools of Socially Responsible, ESG and Impact Investing*
Financial Advisors Stuart Valentine and Jina Penn-Tracy discuss the concept of "whole portfolio activation" at Centered Wealth and how to engage all asset classes for SRI investment goals. Jina explains the importance of shareholder activism. Stuart discusses the role of direct private placements in impact investing.
We help investors connect their values to their investment portfolios through conscious and sustainable investing.
The Power of Impact Investing: Money as a Tool for Positive*
Financial Advisor, Stuart T Valentine, discusses Socially Responsible and Impact Investing and the role of disruption and humanitarianism. Filmed at the 2017 SRI in the Rockies conference. Stuart is the co-founder of and a registered rep of Vanderbilt Securities, LLC
The Centered Wealth Tree Investment Model for Impact and Socially Responsible Investing*
Investment Advisor Stuart Valentine explains the Centered Wealth Tree investment philosophy, developed over 27 years as a financial advisor, which explores the unfolding of an regenerative investment portfolio based on the expression of life-purpose of individual consciousness. This concept uses an expanded understanding of investments in developing a model aligned with life-purpose at the individual, community, and global levels. Stuart explains the concept of the Triple-Bottom-Line economy in a more complete way, beginning with the foundation for life, through the range of planning, investing, and philanthropy with conscious purpose.
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