Centered Wealth aligns philanthropic giving with one’s life purpose. Philanthropy serves to connect a generative circuit between the individual and society, closing the loop between personal good fortune and the betterment of community. We integrate Impact philanthropy and philanthropreneurship with clients’ Centered Wealth Plan.
Additionally, we work with clients’ tax-advantaged accounts to enhance giving power: Charitable Remainder Trusts, Family Foundations and mission driven Non-Profits. The goal of building Centered Wealth is to be in a position to further your legacy through philanthropy.
The act of giving, from a simple smile of encouragement, to laying down one’s life for the greater good, is the pinnacle of human expression. We are enlivened and come to know ourselves more fully through the practice of generosity. The foundation of our communities and more broadly, our culture, is strengthened by the collective process of giving and receiving inspired by a sense of caring for the commonwealth.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Foundation Management
Donor Advised Funds
Transforming Philanthropy